DABIS - Libraries and Archives - The DABIS - Libraries and Archives network is an association of institutions with scientifically processed holdings from a wide range of areas; special literature from the most diverse scientific fields, printed works, media, sheet music, electronic and digitised materials can be found here, as well as publications from the field of elementary education. The collection is a rapidly growing area and is constantly being supplemented with additional special collections.
Search strategies: On this page you have the possibility to enter words and search terms in the field "Basic Index / Search across all fields"; the most important areas are searched, such as title, footnote and content information, annotations, authors, persons, corporations, keywords, thesauri, etc. For a more detailed and targeted search, please use the "Advanced Search". Experts can submit their queries extremely precisely via the menu item "Expert search"; however, a more precise knowledge of Boolean algebra (parentheses, connectors, phrase and proximity search etc.) is required.
Research/New entries: Your entry is automatically truncated to the right, i.e. the last (or only) term you entered is taken as the beginning of the word and all terms beginning with it are output. In the standards files you can either arrange the order of the terms ("Hans Alscher") or use two leading actual-equal signs ("==Alscher, Hans") to query the librarian's approach; the latter is especially recommended if a name consists of two "first names" ("Johann Adam"). Umlauts and resolved umlauts, sharp S, SZ, SS, etc. are equal, so you don't have to consider the spelling.
If you only want to research the new acquisitions in the holdings of the library(s), please use the selection "New acquisitions" in the left navigation bar; you can then call up the newly entered holdings according to predefined criteria (periods / subject catalogues).
Sets of hits: The maximum number of hits allowed has been limited to 3,000 titles per search and 300 titles for sorting. If the permitted sets of hits are exceeded, you will receive a corresponding message - even if the sets of hits reach and/or exceed the permitted sort limit - and the first sets of hits of your query are displayed according to relevance and new acquisitions. In this case, please limit your request by providing additional information (year of publication, persons, corporations, keywords, selected institutions, etc.). If the sorting limit is exceeded, but not the overall values, the hit lists are displayed in descending order of new acquisitions in the institution.
Count sets of hits: It may be useful to count the number of hits before you send the query to the databases. When counting, the number of hits per library / institution / database is listed and you can then select those you actually want to query or retrieve the hits directly from one or more selected database(s).
Selection of holdings / libraries: Select all or some of the institutions by ticking or unchecking the checkbox in front of the respective library; your queries will then only cover the holdings of the selected databases.
Restriction of searches by media type: You can restrict your searches to one or more media type(s); to do so, please click the checkbox in front of the desired media type. Your search will then be limited to this media type only.
Restriction of the search by time specifications: You can limit your search to one or more periods of time; to do this, please click on the checkbox in front of the desired period. Your search will then be limited to this publication period only. Please note that old works in particular often do not have a publication year entered.
Interlibrary loan order / reservation / reservation: You can send an interlibrary loan order or reservation or reservation by e-mail from the display of the desired title at almost all libraries and archives. Some institutions require you to be a registered user - please refer to the respective user regulations of the individual institution. You will receive a confirmation of your interlibrary loan order by e-mail: Therefore please always enter your valid eMail address. You can recognise the lending library by the respective library seal, which is placed in front of each data record / title / copy. You can see the long form of the institution name on the start and search pages or, in the case of "mouse over" the seal, in which the list of participating libraries for selection is shown. The interlibrary loan request / reservation / reservation will be sent directly to the giving library in any case.
Technology and cookies: Please note that you must have activated the acceptance of cookies in your browser, especially for interlibrary loans and reservations. These are needed for backward navigation in the requests as well as for the intermediate storage and printing of result lists. Please also note that, depending on the browser, original titles that have not been transcribed may not (or cannot) be displayed correctly: In such cases, switch your browser's character set to "Unicode" or "UTF-8". Especially when using older browser versions, difficulties may occur in this area.
HomePage of the institutions: You can navigate to the individual institutions by clicking on the library/archive name on the research pages. The internet address of the institutions is linked to the displayed and underlined names.
Further development: The number of libraries, media libraries, archives, collections and documentation centres participating in the consortia is constantly growing; the web software used, BIS-C 2000 - Archiv- und Bibliotheks-InformationsSystem, is also being continuously developed. DABIS.eu welcomes suggestions, comments and also complaints!
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)